Voter Registration & Elections Board

903 W. Greenwood St.
Suite 2500
Abbeville, SC 29620

Phone: (864) 366-2400, ext. 53
Fax: (864) 366-5797

Here’s a video showing the operation of the new voting system.

Welcome to the Abbeville County Voter Registration & Election Board web page.

Registration & Elections conducts all federal, state and county elections within Abbeville County as well as those in the City of Abbeville, the Town of Calhoun Falls, the City of Donalds, the City of Lowndesville and the Town of Due West.

As caretakers of the voting process in Abbeville County, we firmly believe that Every Vote Matters, Every Vote Counts! We make every effort to ensure that each eligible person has a chance to exercise his/her right to vote and to have that vote accurately counted. We also strive to ensure that polls and voting machines are easily accessible to all voters and that voting procedures are easy to understand.

Registration & Elections in Abbeville County maintains a database of all registered voters in the County. We are constantly working to update this information.  PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FORMS BY GOING TO “FIND IT HERE; THEN ON LINE FORMS AND REGISTRATION & ELECTIONS”.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback. Your comments are always welcome.


Registration & Elections Director, Abbeville County

UNOFFICIAL RESULTS:   Summary Results Report 01051722 for May 17, 2022

Statistics:  Election Day Precincts Reporting – 14 of 18; Precincts Complete – 14 of 18; Precincts Partially Reported – 0 of 18; Absentee/Early Precincts Reporting – 15 of 15; Registered Voters-Total – 15,764; Ballots Cast-Total – 3,226; Ballots Cast-Blank – 3; Voter Turnout-Total – 20.46%

Visit for information and updates about voting!

For a Sample Ballot, call us at (864) 366-2400, ext. 53.

REQUIREMENTS TO CHALLENGE A BALLOT:  Poll managers, any voter, and any qualified watcher may challenge the vote of a person who may be known or suspected not to be a qualified voter. A challenge may also be made if you have good reason to believe the person has already voted or has become disqualified for any cause. Challenges of ballots cast in person in the absentee precinct and at the polling place on election day must be made prior to the voter casting the ballot. No challenges can be made after that time. All challenges must be addressed to poll managers and not directly to voters. Challenges of absentee by mail ballots must be made prior to separating the ballot from absentee return envelope, which can begin as early as 9:00 a.m. on the day preceding the election. Challenges in the absentee precinct are very rare because the voter has the opportunity to make address changes or otherwise correct his voting record with election officials before casting an absentee ballot. If a challenged voter casts a provisional ballot, the challenger must appear or produce evidence at the provisional ballot hearing to sustain the challenge; otherwise, the ballot will be counted. See S.C. Code sections 7-13-810 and 7-13-830.