Abbeville County COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response
August 18, 2021
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – MUSC Health is offering free vaccine clinics on August 19 and September 9 at the Calhoun Falls Civic Center (401 North Washington St., Calhoun Falls, SC 29628). Click the image below to learn more.
The state of emergency in Abbeville County expired in March 2021 and has not been reissued as a result of the Delta variant and increased COVID-19 outbreak recently. However, all citizens eligible to receive the vaccine are encouraged to make an appointment to receive it. SC DHEC reports that approximately 88% of reported cases between July 1 – July 31, 2021 were not fully vaccinated. Additionally, 77% of hospitalizations and 79% of the reported deaths were not fully vaccinated. Social distancing, face coverings, and regular handwashing continue to be the best ways to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in conjunction with the vaccine.
Abbeville County continues to operate under normal business hours (8:30am – 5:00pm). Citizens are encouraged, but not required to wear a face covering when entering any Abbeville County facility.
Vaccine Clinic Flier – English
Vaccine Clinic Flier – español
January 12, 2021
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Abbeville County has reissued a declaration of a State of Emergency in Abbeville County in response to the resurgence in COVID-19 infections. Abbeville County officials continue to respond to the threat of COVID-19 in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).
Abbeville County Facilities – At this time all Abbeville County facilities remain open to the public. Visitors are required to wear a face mask while in any facility. Visitors already wearing a mask will be allowed to use their own. Any visitors lacking a face mask will be provided one. It is still preferred that if your business can be conducted via phone, email, fax, or mail you please utilize one of those methods to avoid any unnecessary potential transmission of COVID-19. If you have a question regarding if your business can be conducted via one of these methods, please contact the department you wish to conduct business with ahead of time and they will be happy to answer those questions for you.
As we continue to progress through the COVID-19 pandemic, modifications to business hours, openings/closings, etc will be considered and communicated to the public through media channels.
Vaccine Administration – Those individuals identified in Phase 1A of the state’s vaccine administration plan are currently being offered the COVID-19 vaccine through local providers.
Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 13, any South Carolina resident who’s at least 70 years old can schedule their appointment for receiving the vaccine. The vaccine can only be administered by appointment – you can’t walk into a health care facility and ask for the vaccine. Residents will be asked to provide a driver’s license or other form of ID at their appointment that confirms their age and, therefore, their eligibility to receive the vaccine.
Individuals eligible to receive the vaccine can schedule an appointment using this online resource (, which currently includes several major hospitals, seven DHEC sites, a DHEC mobile clinic, and 12 Doctor’s Cares locations. An additional 50 locations will be added to this list and available to provide the vaccine by the beginning of next week. Individuals can also call the DHEC Care Line at 1-855-472-3432 for assistance with scheduling an appointment.
May 22nd, 2020, 9:00 a.m.
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Abbeville County officials continue to respond to the threat of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). The following modifications are being made to Abbeville County operations with regards to reopening to the public.
Abbeville County Facilities – Effective Tuesday May 26, 2020, all Abbeville County facilities will reopen to the general public. This includes the Administrative Complex, Animal Shelter, Law Enforcement Center, Courthouse, Landfill/Convenience Centers, Fire Department, and Library. When entering facilities, the public will be expected to comply with locally posted and prescribed precautions maintaining social distancing and appropriate personal protective equipment. It is still encouraged that as much business as possible be conducted via phone, mail, email, or online to avoid any unnecessary risk of exposure. Only the necessary number of individuals should enter a facility to conduct business.
Voter Registration and Elections – Absentee voting began on May 11, 2020 at the Administrative Complex at 903 W Greenwood St, Abbeville, SC 29620. A temporary room has been set up outside of Council Chambers to allow for a large enough area to maintain social distancing while conducting absentee voting. Citizens may access this office through the double doors on the southwest side of the Administrative Complex closest to Council Chambers. In person absentee voting is available from 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday. For questions related to voter registration and elections including absentee voting, please call (864) 366-2400 ext 53.
Library – The main branch of the Abbeville County Library will open on Tuesday May 26, 2020 for normal operating hours with the following adjustments:
- Only 25 patrons allowed in the library at one time.
- Patrons may check out materials, pick up holds, and use public computers (rearranged to allow for social distancing with no computer assistance available). Copier/scanner and fax machines will only be available through staff.
- Toys and activity centers have been removed from the children’s area.
- Patrons should make every attempt to wear a face mask or covering; however, it is not required.
- Wi-Fi will remain on for patron access 24 hours per day 7 days per week.
- Meeting Room reservations, volunteer service hours, and in-house programs have been suspended.
- All overdue charges will continue to be waived.
- Facilities will close 30 minutes early to allow staff time to sanitize the library before the next day.
The Calhoun Falls branch will open June 1, 2020 and the Donalds branch will open June 8, 2020, both with the same adjustments noted for the main branch.
New Policies – Effective May 26, 2020, all citizens visiting any Abbeville County facility will be required to comply with the following procedures and guidelines:
- Visitors will have their temperature checked through a contactless thermometer at the front desk upon entering. Any visitor exhibiting a fever of 100.4 or greater will not be allowed admittance.
- Visitors will be required to wear a face mask while in any facility (except library). Visitors already wearing a mask will be allowed to use their own. Any visitors lacking a face mask will be provided one.
- It is still preferred that if your business can be conducted via phone, email, fax, or mail you please utilize one of those methods to avoid any unnecessary potential transmission of COVID-19. If you have a question regarding if your business can be conducted via one of these methods, please call the department your business is with ahead of time and they will be happy to answer those questions for you.
These changes will remain in effect for the foreseeable future. As our county and state begin the reopening process, we desire all to be safe, healthy, and well. Your patience is greatly appreciated as we navigate this “new normal” and continue to make decisions and modify operations where it is determined in the best interest of the public and our staff.
If you are concerned about possibly having the Coronavirus or begin having symptoms related to the illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus), SC DHEC recommends you utilize online virtual care centers or contact your primary care physician’s office. Virtual COVID-19 consultations are free. Below are links to several telehealth services provided throughout South Carolina.
MUSC Health –
McLeod Health –
Prisma Health –
Roper St. Francis –
Telephone Screening Services – Self Regional Healthcare (864) 725-4500
April 17th, 2020, 12:00 p.m.
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Abbeville County officials continue to monitor for the presence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). In response to the virus, Abbeville County facilities remain closed to the public.
The following modifications are being made to Abbeville County operations in hopes of easing the burden on residents as well as staff members and to further maintain compliance with Governor McMaster’s most recent executive order. Abbeville County is actively in the planning phase for a timeline and method to restore government services and offices fully in the coming weeks.
Heritage Landing at Lake Secession – Effective Friday, April 17, 2020 at 12 p.m., the Heritage Landing at Lake Secession boat ramp will be reopened in accordance with Executive Order 2020-25. Citizens are encouraged to continue to maintain social distancing and should also consult the order with regards to number of people allowed in boats, congregating, etc.
Abbeville County Convenience Centers – Starting Monday, April 20, 2020, all Convenience Centers will return to normal operating hours. Those hours are:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
7:30AM – 6:30PM - Sunday
2:00PM – 6:30PM - Tuesday and Thursday
Convenience Center attendants will be unable to assist residents with handling of their waste. Please ensure you have ample assistance with you to assist in unloading your waste as we continue to practice social distancing and working to prevent the potential exposure to employees.
As previously noted, Abbeville County officials are recommending the community to stay at home if you can do so. Those who are able to stay at home and treat illnesses are also strongly encouraged to do so, to avoid overwhelming our local healthcare system.
If you are concerned about possibly having the Coronavirus or begin having symptoms related to the illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus), SC DHEC recommends you utilize online virtual care centers or contact your primary care physician’s office. Virtual COVID-19 consultations are free. Below are links to several telehealth services provided throughout South Carolina.
MUSC Health –
McLeod Health –
Prisma Health –
Roper St. Francis –
Telephone Screening Services – Self Regional Healthcare (864) 725-4500
April 4th, 2020, 3:00 p.m.
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Abbeville County officials continue to monitor for the presence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). In response to the virus, Abbeville County facilities remain closed to the public.
In our efforts to promote social distancing and our continued efforts to keep employees and community members safe, the following operational changes are or will be implemented.
Abbeville County Departments – All departments will operate at minimal staffing, with only an essential number of employees allowed in operate in office (typically one employee per department) so as to encourage social distancing and limiting the potential spread of COVID-19. Many departments will be telecommuting, allowing for services to be continued remotely. Please understand that requests for service and transactions will be processed but may be delayed. If you have questions pertaining to specific departments, please find their contact information through the Abbeville County website. . If you are unable to reach a department by phone, please leave a message and someone will contact you as soon as possible.
Abbeville County Court System / Register of Deeds – Effective, Monday, April 6th, 2020 the following changes will be made to the Clerk of Court’s staff hours. This does not affect currently scheduled court hearings. Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 366-5312 Ext. 55. This change will only affect the following court system clerk’s hours of operation;
- General Sessions
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30am until 12:30pm
Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm until 5:00pm
- Common Pleas
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 1:00pm until 5pm
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am until 12:30pm
- Family Court
Monday – Friday 8:30am until 5:00pm (no change)
- Register of Deeds
The Register of Deeds office will only be open on the following days;
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30am until 12:30pm
Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm until 5:00pmAs noted in a previous release, the register of deeds office will remain closed to the public. Persons wishing to utilize services will be allowed to schedule an appointment with office employees. When you arrive to the building, there will be a phone number to call the building deputy on duty that will allow you into the building. Before entering the building, you will complete a CDC screening for virus symptoms. If you exhibit any symptoms, you will not be allowed to conduct business. Appointments can be made by calling (864) 366-5312 Ext. 2203.
Abbeville County Public Safety and Emergency Services – All public safety services will continue to operate as normal with heightened awareness and measures taken to avoid COVID-19 exposure. Abbeville County citizens are strongly encouraged to practice CDC guidelines for personal hygiene and to follow the Governor’s social distancing recommendations. Citizens who become symptomatic of the virus are strongly recommended to stay at home, isolate, and self-treat symptoms if possible. The purpose of this recommendation is to avoid overcrowding local hospitals and the EMS system, and to allow resources for someone who may become critically ill.
E-911 is now questioning all callers for any potential COVID-19 exposure/symptoms for the safety of responders. For example: Have you or anyone in your household had any symptoms of COVID-19 or been around anyone that has tested positive?
Addressing requests can be made by contacting 864-366-6629 Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm.
Abbeville County Council Meeting – Abbeville County Council will conduct their regularly scheduled meeting on 4/13/2020 at 6:30pm through virtual means. A conference call-in number will be included in the public advertisement for the meeting, all attendees will be placed on mute with the exception of County Council members and Abbeville County staff. Citizen comments and public hearing comments are accepted in writing or electronic communication via the Clerk to Council at; faxed to 864-366-4595 or mailed to 903 W. Greenwood St, Abbeville, SC 29620. Written comments must be received by noon on the day of the Council Meeting. In accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-12, public comments are only accepted pertaining to items on the County Council Meeting Agenda.
Abbeville County Businesses and Economic Development – Those that have become unemployed, furloughed, seen a reduction in hours, etc due to the COVID-19 pandemic can visit the Department of Workforce and Employment at for information on unemployment claims and resources.
Those Small Business/Industry needing assistance can find resources at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Businesses can also contact the Abbeville County Economic Development Office at or 864-366-2181. Attached are some of the resources provided by the SBA.
If you are concerned about possibly having the Coronavirus or begin having symptoms related to the illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus), SC DHEC recommends you utilize online virtual care centers or contact your primary care physicians office. The virtual COVID-19 consultations listed below are free. Below are links to several telehealth services provided throughout South Carolina.
MUSC Health –
McLeod Health –
Prisma Health –
Roper St. Francis –
Telephone Screening Services – Self Regional Healthcare (864) 725-4500
March 25, 2020, 12:00 p.m.
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Abbeville County officials continue to monitor for the presence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). In response to the virus, Abbeville County has closed all facilities to the public.
In our efforts to promote social distancing and our continued efforts to keep employees and community members safe, the following operations changes will be implemented.
Abbeville County Landfill / Convenience Centers – Change of Hours Beginning Monday, March 30th all convenience center locations will be open from 1:00pm until 6:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. All locations will be open from 2:00pm until 6:00pm on Sundays. The landfill, located at 1094 Gassoway Farm Rd. Abbeville, SC 29620 will continue operating at their normal hours.
County Library System – The library system will offer eCards to any resident who does not have a current library card. This will provide access to online resources and download services. eCards can be obtained by phone at (864) 459-4009, Monday through Friday 9:30am until 5:00pm. Once the library system reopens, residents can validate their eCard to receive a library account and physical card.
All County Department – Due to County office closures, if you are unable to conduct business over the phone or through online services due to not having a checking account, please mail payments to the appropriate office via money order. Money orders can be obtained at locations such as the U.S. Postal Service offices, banks, and convenience stores.
As the COVID-19 situation further develops, Abbeville County anticipates additional changes in operations including limiting the number of employees working at facilities and adjusting work days. Changes will be communicated via local media, social media and the County website at
Abbeville County continues to encourage the community to willingly comply with CDC guidelines, as well as executive orders from the South Carolina Governors’ Office. Changes as of recent are to include no public gatherings of three people or more. This executive order does not affect people in law-abiding businesses, or family outings.
Abbeville County officials are recommending the community to stay at home if you can do so. This virus is very serious and even though you may not have symptoms of the virus, you very well could be a carrier and spread it to the high-risk population. People who are able to stay at home and treat their symptoms are strongly encouraged to do so, to avoid overwhelming our local healthcare system.
If you are concerned about possibly having the Coronavirus or begin having symptoms related to the illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus), SC DHEC recommends you utilize online virtual care centers or contact your primary care physicians office. Virtual COVID-19 consultations are free. Below are links to several telehealth services provided throughout South Carolina.
MUSC Health –
McLeod Health –
Prisma Health –
Roper St. Francis –
Telephone Screening Services – Self Regional Healthcare (864) 725-4500.
COVID-19 DHEC Infographic 2 COVID-19 DHEC Infographic Spanish
March 19, 2020, 9:30 a.m.
ABBEVILLE, S.C. – LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Abbeville County officials continue to monitor for the presence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). In preparation for the virus, Abbeville County Council will be holding a virtual emergency meeting to discuss declaring a Local State of Emergency. By declaring a local state of emergency, this allows local officials to activate our county wide emergency operations plan and continuity of operations plan to provide a seamless response to a very fluid situation.
Beginning Thursday, March 19th, 2020 at noon all county offices and facilities will be closed to the public. It is encouraged to handle any business through online transactions, email, postal services, or telephone. These plans are subject to change as the situation evolves. County employees will still report to work under normal business hours unless otherwise noted. These measures are being implemented to mitigate the spread of the virus.
The following changes will be made to County offices and facilities:
Treasurer’s Office
Business is encouraged to be handled through online transactions, email, or by telephone. Online payments can be made at Phone payments can be made by calling (888) 514-9834. Employees can be reached by calling (864) 366-5312 Ext. 58 or by fax (864) 366-8104.
Tax Assessor’s Office
All business can be conducted by phone, online, email, or postal services. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-5312 Ext. 51 or by fax (864) 366-6632. Online forms can be downloaded from
Veterans Affairs Office
All in-person business has been suspended. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-2608 or by fax (864)366-2625. More information can be found at Email contact:
Building and Codes Enforcement / Planning and Zoning
New construction permit or general permit applications can be downloaded from and processed via online, phone, fax, or mail. Please contact office employees to discuss other related matters. Employees can be reached by phone at (864) 366-2400 Ext. 2224 or fax (864) 366-1802. Inspections will still be conducted on a case by case basis. Any person(s) present for an inspection will complete a CDC required screening process to ensure there are no exposures to staff members. Email contact:
Landfill and Convenience Centers
All convivence center locations, as well at the county landfill will remain open to the public subject to change in the future. It is encouraged that if you bring items to any location, that you are able to unload them without assistance from employees. Employees will follow CDC recommended distancing practices. Any changes to times/dates will be updated as necessary. Current operating times can be found at
Voter Registration Office
The voter registration office will be closed to the public. Persons wishing to file for candidacy will be allowed to schedule an appointment with office employees. When you arrive to the building, there will be a phone number to call the building deputy on duty that will allow you into the building. Before entering the building, you will complete a CDC screening for virus symptoms. If you exhibit any symptoms, you will not be allowed to conduct business. Appointments can be made by calling (864) 366-2400 Ext. 53. Email contact:
Delinquent Tax Office
Online tax information can be found at Reminder that delinquent taxes cannot be paid online or over the phone. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-5312 Ext. 54 or fax (864)366-6631. Email contact:
Auditors Office
All taxed related questions can be conducted through email, phone, or by postal services. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-5312 Ext. 59 or by fax (864) 366-6632. Email contact:
Court Systems / Register of Deeds
Clerk of Court – Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 366-5312 Ext. 55
Magistrates Office – Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 446-6500 Ext. 2435
Probate Office – Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 366-5312 Ext. 62
Register of Deeds Office – The register of deeds office will be closed to the public. Persons wishing to utilize services will be allowed to schedule an appointment with office employees. When you arrive to the building, there will be a phone number to call the building deputy on duty that will allow you into the building. Before entering the building, you will complete a CDC screening for virus symptoms. If you exhibit any symptoms, you will not be allowed to conduct business. Appointments can be made by calling (864) 366-5312 Ext. 2203.
Sheriff Office / Detention Center
The Sheriff’s office will continue to operate normally with no reduction in services. Deputies will ask for anyone that is able to step outside to speak with them. If you can conduct your business with Deputies over the phone, you are encouraged to call (864) 446-6000. All visitation to the detention center has been suspended until further notice.
Rural Fire Service / EMS
All services will continue with no reduction of services.
Animal Services
The animal shelter will be closed to the public. All animal services will be suspended with the exception of animal bites or quarantine cases. Surrender services will be suspended until further notice. Adoption services will be available by appointment only and only one person will be allowed in the shelter during this process. Please call (864) 366-2403. Email contact:
County Library System
The Abbeville County Library and other branches will be closed to the public. All library related programs are suspended. Book returns will not be accepted and no late fees will be charged. As soon as the library system reopens, books can be returned.
Abbeville County continues its mission to provide a safe and healthy community for our residents and visitors, and will continue to follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), SC DHEC, and the Governor’s Office. We recommend to follow all issued advisories or executive orders including CDC hygiene practices, social distancing when possible and/or to avoid public places entirely, and no community function of 50 or more people.
If you are concerned about possibly having the Coronavirus or begin having symptoms related to the illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus), SC DHEC recommends you utilize online virtual care centers. Virtual COVID-19 consultations are free. Below are links to several telehealth services provided throughout South Carolina.
MUSC Health –
McLeod Health –
Prisma Health –
Roper St. Francis –
Telephone Screening Services – Self Regional Healthcare (864) 725-4200